Advantage Dentistry

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Gum Pocket Reduction

If a patient is suffering from the advanced effects of periodontal disease, there are some minor surgeries which may be used to reverse its damage and prevent a relapse. Chief among these is a gum pocket reduction. This procedure usually requires little preparation and can be done in the office using local anesthesia.

Gum pocket reduction targets the soft tissue immediately surrounding the teeth. In a healthy mouth, the gum pockets the teeth fit into are snug and stable. However, there is always room between the gum and the tooth for bacteria to get into, and where the resulting plaque can trap acid. As bone and soft tissue near the plaque dissolves, there is more room for bacteria, accelerating the process.

After a scaling and planing, Dr. Seier will want to close off this safe haven for plaque. Usually, a gum pocket reduction only requires that a flap to cut in the nearby healthy gum tissue, stretched across the pocket, and fastened with a suture. Sometimes a more complex gum graft may be necessary, but most likely this will only be the case if the damage is severe.

Scott Seier, DDS, operates Advantage Dentistry at 2887, Elmwood Ave, Kenmore, NY, 14217. To set up an appointment, call 716-877-2275, or visit and fill out a contact form.


Thursday, February 16, 2017


Implants have an incredibly high success rate and are the most frequently recommended method for restoring individual teeth. However, they do sometimes fail and need to be removed. Given the enormous investment patients put into their implants, it is a shame to see this happen. The best thing patients can do to protect their new tooth is to be on guard against peri-implantitis.

The prefix “peri” means “around” and “itis” means inflammation. If the gum tissue surrounding an implant is inflamed, it could be due to a foreign object, such as leaking dental cement, irritating the tissue. This is unlikely to be the case, however, if the implant is more than a few days old. More commonly, gum inflammation is caused by an infection or by an excessive amount of plaque trapping acid and dissolving the nearby tissues, along with the metal rod of the implant’s base.

Preventing peri-implantitis requires a patient to maintain standard oral hygiene practices, including brushing (twice a day for two minutes each) and flossing. Neither the implant nor the bone it’s fused with are immune to corrosion, so if a patient has trouble maintaining oral hygiene, it is important to request a deep cleaning. Don’t ignore the potential consequences of gum inflammation.

Scott Seier, DDS, operates Advantage Dentistry at 2887, Elmwood Ave, Kenmore, NY, 14217. To set up an appointment, call 716-877-2275, or visit and fill out a contact form.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Dental Anxiety

It is one thing for anxiety to affect your daily relationships, but when it starts to impact your overall health then it becomes a problem. Dental anxiety, or dental phobia, is much more serious than just getting sweaty palms and having sleepless nights before an appointment – it’s a paralyzing fear of dentists or dental treatment. Luckily, our doctors at Advantage Dentistry have the tools, techniques and gentle touch to help make regular dental visits as comfortable as possible for you.

The key to coping with dental anxiety is to discuss your fears with your dentist. Once your dentist knows what your fears are, he or she will better be able to work with you to determine the best ways to make you less anxious and more relaxed. In addition, ask your dentist what’s happening at every stage of the procedure. This way you can mentally prepare for what’s to come.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, give us a call so we ease your fear. To schedule your appointment with Advantage Dentistry in Kenmore, NY, call our office at 716-877-2275 or visit our website for more information about the services we provide. 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Treating Sleep Apnea with a Snore Guard

At Advantage Dentistry our goal is to enhance the quality of life of our patients who come to use for their dental health needs and this includes snoring. Snoring is a common condition that can affect anyone. Occasional snoring may not be serious; however, if you are a habitual snorer, you risk impairing your sleep quality and developing poor daytime function. 

Frequent snorers can be at risk for serious health problems, including obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea creates a variety of problems, including long interruptions of breathing, poor night’s sleep, chronic headaches and daytime sleepiness and fatigue. At Advantage Dentistry, we provide a snore guard as a treatment option. It has a unique inner lining that is softened by heat during the fitting process. This allows for a custom fit and is designed to keep your lower jaw comfortable and positioned slightly forward while sleeping.

Many of our patients prefer a snore guard as a practical and less invasive alternative to CPAP therapy. To schedule your appointment with Advantage Dentistry in Kenmore, NY, call our office at 716-877-2275 or visit our website for more information about the services we provide.