Sleep apnea can greatly affect your energy levels and increase the risks of conditions like heart disease and stroke. In addition to seeking treatment for sleep apnea, it is also important to help yourself at home. Advantage Dentistry here in Kenmore, NY is able to treat patients for sleep apnea. Read on to learn how to control it at home.
A Healthy Weight. Overweight individuals with extra weight on their neck can actually experience worsened effects from sleep apnea. It is important to keep a healthy weight to minimize the risk and symptoms of sleep apnea. Talk to your doctor about a healthy weight for someone your age and height.
Sleeping Position. Your sleeping position also greatly affects how severe your sleep apnea may be. Sleeping on your back will give you the worst effects. Instead, sleep on your side to allow a more open airway.
Sedatives. Sleep aids and alcohol are depressants that can make sleep apnea worse. Avoid such substances in order to facilitate easier breathing. The combination of sleep apnea and a depressant could result in death in severe cases.
Sleep apnea needs to be treated in order to avoid dangerous health complications. You will also feel refreshed and like you slept well once your sleep apnea is under control. To schedule an appointment with Advantage Dentistry of Kenmore, NY, call us at (716) 877-2275. For more information, visit our website,